More Joy

Realizing our nature by sitting quietly in it

Meditation is every Sunday, 10-11 am in the Field or under the trees at 5333 Elmwood, Detroit, MI 48211

As we build the temple, a group sits on Sundays. We meet in the field, sit on cushions and meditate for two periods of twenty minutes each. All are welcome.

The practice is based in Zen Buddhism from the Korean tradition.

The three refuges-

I go for refuge to Buddha, innate wisdom and compassion,

I go for refuge to Dharma, teachings manifesting everywhere,

I go for refuge to Sangha, the community of all beings.

These are chanted between the two sittings, by those who choose to join in, first in Pali, then in English.

A bell is rung three times to signal the beginning of each meditation period and the end.

Meditation is followed by a brief dharma talk and tea.



Spring update

Thank you for supporting Field Temple. We'd like to give you an update on our progress.

We have raised $2,125, and thank you greatly for your generosity. We're over halfway to reaching the first milestone in our fundraiser. We need $2,000 more to complete the purchase of the lots where we planted the Sycamore Circle last year. This is also the future home of the Labyrinth. Click here to donate:

We hope you are finding appreciation and awe in even the small moments as we move through this time of change and turbulence.

In the Dharma,

Bhavana Sarah Addae

Please donate and spread the word about our fundraiser



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To donate by check, please make checks payable to Field Temple, and mail to: 3327 Farnsworth, Detroit, MI 48211